Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP
Founded in 1991, HCVT provides tax, accounting, business management, and mergers & acquisition services to private companies, closely-held businesses, public companies and high net worth individuals and family offices. We provide auditing services to privately held businesses and employee benefit plans. Today, we are a team of over 650 members, and over 100 partners and principals. We are known in the marketplace as a firm with deep technical skills addressing the most complex tax issues associated with partnerships and pass-through entities. We serve our clients from eight offices in Southern California and offices in Walnut Creek, California, Fort Worth, Texas, Park City, Utah, and Phoenix, Arizona. We are highly specialized and focus on specific industries and market niches. This focus allows our team to provide our clients with insights about issues critical to business owners—industry trends and leading practices, changes in accounting regulations and taxation, managing risk, and financing options, to name a few.